
Summertime. A wonderful time of the year with, at the best, a well-balanced mix of planned and spontaneous activities. Or for just doing nothing…

One tip on reading for the days when laziness took over and you just feel like staying home without moving an inch is;

Works also well in the beach-bag…

In my point of view this is one of the best ways in the world to be entertained, surprised and oriented in the most diverse parts of the world of movies!

/Paula Wahlbom

Salut Cannes!

I´m not very good in waiting for fun things and surprises soon to be happen, but now I´m finally here since a couple of days, and it feels great! I just had to put my feet on the ground after landing to remember why I like this so much. It´s like everything else I really like in life, it is at its best when everything is mixed and you experience everything in a beautiful mess and when it´s full of contrasts. Yesterday I started the day with the screening of Housemaid, a Korean film in the official competition and finished it with the screening of a documentary about Lemmy, La vie est belle!

/Paula Wahlbom


– Today is the most boring, greyest day in a long time. Heaven begins at the knees, and not even my cat wanted to get out of bed this morning, even though he knows that weekends offers promises  of his favorite food – meatballs in a lot of sauce!
+ Todays planning of  GIFF:s all events this spring! Next; the W-I-P of Terje Carlsson’s upcoming movie  “Israel Vs. Israel”, and the screening of the Guldbagge-winner “Scratches” on Monday, read more here.
/ Paula Wahlbom

Appearences can be deceiving

If you enter our festival office at this time of the year, it is easy to think that nothing happens. The rooms can look quite empty and the phones are relatively quiet. But appearances are deceiving! When it is not festivalperiod, (the other 355 days of the year),  GIFF arranges since one and a half years, a number of programs points out the festival programme around the Västra Götaland-region. And it is great fun to work with all film lovers everywhere and together plan what from the program they would like us to visit them with! Since the start, we have been to many places around the region and arranged everything from movies from the festival programme on tour,  to talks about movies from a psychological perspective. Fun! And there is more to come!

/Paula Wahlbom

Who needs sleep?

Eric Ericson, Sara Broos and Amanda Ooms in one of the most exciting and rewarding talks in the seminar programme ever!

Marit Kapla, Festival Director and Sally Potter, director of Rage, at the Master Class today!

Still excited after this day’s fantastic seminars with inspiring, generous guests, who doesn’t hesitate to share their lives, valuations and life experiences with other people! Tired after 7 days around the clock working? Yes. But who needs sleep under these circumstances!

/Paula Wahlbom

Vittorio Storaro

One of our many guests who attracted a large audience, was cinematographer Vittorio Storaro, ( Apocalypse Now, The Last Emperor etc), who had an interesting talk about his future ambitions and his historical achivement. Storaro is also the only 3-time Oscar-winning cinematographer!

/Paula Wahlbom

6 seminardays later

Happy after six days of inspiring and interesting seminar in the Festival Tent! It has been discussed and debated everything from how the gender distribution within the film industry looks like,  to Master Classes with the most exciting film-makers todays!  Good thing there are three days left!

Andrea Östlund, Gunilla Röör, Margreth Olin and Maria Bonnevie in a inspiring talk about how to tell a personal story

/Paula Wahlbom